Hâte levée and its sandwich

Hâte levée and its sandwich


For the hâte levée

  • 1 pork belly
  • Rosemary
  • Laurel
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • Sage
  • Thyme
  • Fine salt
  • Fleur de sel
  • Cloves

For the sandwich

  • Ciabatta
  • Watercress
  • Sour cream
  • SWET Hot Sauce - Lemon Hard
  • Sweet pepper

Our recipe

Hâte Levée is a pork belly, rolled up with delicious fresh herbs and slow-cooked in the oven.

It is a dish especially popular in the mining region. The miners had to get up very early - hence the name 'Hâte Levée' - and made the preparation the day before so that it was easy to take with them to eat during lunch time.


Clean up the pork belly

  • Lay the belly open and debone it with a good knife
  • Once the bones have been properly extracted, carefully feel for any leftover cartilage and cut it away

TIP: It doesn't matter if the meat is cut a bit deep by boning, so there is plenty of room for the many spices we will add afterwards

Prepare the hâte levée

  • Bring together all the spices except the cloves and put them in the cutter until everything is nicely chopped and you get a homogeneous mixture
  • Slice the meat some more to make room for the spices
  • Apply the spices to the belly, it can be a good layer
  • Roll up the belly and stretch well
  • Tie up the piece with a cross-left stitch
  • When everything is nicely tied up, stick the cloves in a row at the top of the meat
  • Put the meat in the oven: first 30 minutes at 220°C, then 3 hours at 110°C

And now for the sandwich

  • Make your dressing with sour cream and a touch of SWET Lemon Hard for some slightly tangy fraicheur
  • Roast your sweet pepper and cut it into pieces
  • Cut a few thin slices of your prepared Hâte levée
  • Now arrange all this goodness together with some watercress on your ciabatta bread and enjoy this deliciously spiced sandwich

Finishing touch

A spoonful of the baking juice of the Hâte levée from the oven over the sandwich will add creaminess and flavour to your dish.


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