Baking tip: Stuffed Turkey

Baking tip: Stuffed Turkey

Baking tip: 

  • Heat your oven to 220°C
  • Season with salt and pepper
  • First cooking time: Put the turkey in the oven at 220° for 40 minutes.
  • Second cooking time: Now lower the temperature of your oven to 180° and let it cook for 1h to 1h30.
  • Put some lumps of butter on top of the turkey and put a cup of water in the oven.
  • Arrose every 20 minutes.

How can you control the cooking process? 

Using a knife or knitting needle, carefully insert the middle of the turkey into the stuffing, i.e. through the turkey meat. Does the tip feel very warm to the touch? The turkey is cooked!

If the turkey is not stuffed, carefully insert it into the thickest part of the bolts. If the juice that runs out is no longer pink, the meat is cooked. 

  Weight 1st cooking time 2nd cooking time

2 - 3,5 kg 

40 min

1 - 1,5u

3,5 - 5,5 kg

40 min

1,5 - 2,5u 

5,5 -7,5 kg

40 min

2,5 - 3u 





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